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Defining Love

Hi Friends, Can you believe it's already September? These months have been flying past us and soon it'll be a whole new year. It's in these very fast-paced days that I've been trying to find the time to reflect on the things I've learnt and unlearnt over the past few months and years.  If you're someone who knows me, you'll know how deep I can get when it comes to life and the little things. The little things that aren't so little. Lately, I've had to redefine what love means to me. I feel like I'm still growing up and every time I think I know what it means for me, God throws me a situation that makes me break it down even further to discover it at its core.  It's been especially hard to go through these experiences when you've grown up with a distorted view of what love looks like. Again, I ask myself what does love look like? Freedom. Non-attachment. Acceptance. I hear these words being used so often. Easier said than done. I cringe wh...

About Me

Hey Guys!

This is a first for me too, so no pressure.

My name is Pranalisha Reddy. I'm a 26-year-old Marketing professional living in Johannesburg for about 3 years now. I come from a culturally rich Indian heritage. Definitely would call myself a foodie connoisseur, with a deep love for being left alone (because...introvert tendencies), and a big Jesus lover. I believe in self-care and I am an advocate for mental health issues.

I am originally from Durban. I grew up and studied there. After graduating with my Marketing degree I decided to take a leap into the unknown. It's been a hell of a ride! I've met some wonderful, kind-hearted people from all walks of life who have taught me so much over the past 3 years. I believe in vulnerability and in kindness, I believe in the phrase "knowledge is power" because it absolutely is, in unconditional love, and in showing up for people (whether it be physically or emotionally). When I have free time and want to venture outdoors, I love a good hike. 

Four out of ten people would say I'm funny so don't ask me for a joke. I love old movies and contemplate what it would have been like to be friends with Audrey Hepburn in 1954. For some reason I'm really good with faces and can remember most of the actors I've seen in movies which I think annoys many people because I have a tendency to say it when watching a movie. Love learning, big history buff and I'm a big fan of people being exactly who they are so please just be yourself! We don't wear masks here (too soon?).

Grab a beverage of your choice and lets start a conversation!

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